Authorized Product List

Verified and Progressing Products are listed on the Authorized Product List and updated daily.

Authorized Product List

Verified offerings with a security status of Ready, Provisionally Authorized, or Authorized are listed below on the Authorized Product List (APL). The APL was first published on September 14, 2021, and is updated at the end of every business day.

To be verified, the product must meet minimum security requirements and provide an independent audit conducted by a Third Party Assessment Organization (3PAO). StateRAMP recognizes three verified statuses, including Ready, Provisionally Authorized, and Authorized.

  • Ready products meet requirements defined by the Minimum Ready Minimum Mandatory Requirements Policy;
  • Provisionally Authorized status may be assigned by a sponsoring government or Approvals Committee to a package submitted for Authorized Status, if the product meets the Authorization requirements, but one of the product’s interconnected technologies is not StateRAMP or FedRAMP Authorized. To achieve a Provisionally Authorized Status, the interconnected technology must have a current StateRAMP Security Snapshot, per the StateRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance.
  • Authorized is the highest level of authorization and is for products that have demonstrated compliance with all required security controls by impact level.

Products that have been awarded both a StateRAMP Authorized status and Federal JAB status are now listed on the APL as
Authorized, Federal JAB.

The StateRAMP PMO provides independent validation and verification that the security package and audit comply with the standards established by the StateRAMP governing boards. To ensure ongoing security compliance and risk mitigation, providers must comply with continuous monitoring requirements to maintain a verified security status. 

Progressing Product List

StateRAMP recognizes cloud service offerings in the process of working toward a verified offering.

To have a product listed as in progress, the product must: 1) be enrolled in the StateRAMP Progressing Snapshot Program, or 2) Have engaged with a Third-Party Assessment Organization (3PAO) to conduct an independent audit for Ready or Authorized.

The progressing statuses include:

Security Snapshot

  • Enrolled products are enrolled in the Progressing Snapshot Program and working toward their initial Snapshot score.
  • Progressing products are enrolled in the Progressing Snapshot Program and have submitted artifacts to receive their Snapshot scores.

Security Product Review (Non-Snapshot)

  • Active products are working toward Ready.
  • In Process products are working toward Authorized status.
  • Pending products are currently being reviewed by the StateRAMP Program Management Office (PMO) and are awaiting a determination for a verified status.

See Who’s Leading the Way in Cybersecurity Alignment

Explore our list of participating government organizations & educational institutions recognizing a common standard for cybersecurity.

These SLED (State, Local, and Education) organizations have engaged StateRAMP to recognize and adopt standards that provide effective and efficient cloud security solutions for their organizations and vendor communities. Browse the listings below and check back regularly for new additions.

Federal JAB Attestations

StateRAMP seeks to provide recognition to those products who have achieved a FedRAMP Authorization through Joint Authorization Board (JAB) approval. These products have undergone a rigorous audit and review from both a Third Party Assessment Organization (3PAO) and the FedRAMP JAB. StateRAMP wishes to highlight their efforts and provide an avenue for these products to be included in StateRAMP.